If you haven’t met her already, Chloe is the latest addition to the Loveless! cast. You can read more about her here
She’s quite the sexually liberated gal, and of course there’s no shortage of guys for her to fuck, but she has some deep insecurities with her body. Chloe has a secret fear that one day men will start finding her unattractive, so she exercises like mad.
Swimming is her main exercise, hence the tan! Though at the moment she isn’t being horny, she will be in a bit. Her libido spikes after workouts, and it’s gotten to a point where she has several gym-friends-with-benefits. Some of these guys workout just for the chance to have a go with her.
Some of her favorite workout routines include:
- Bench press reverse cowgirl, one squat for a full penetration every 3 seconds
- Locker room gloryhole, where the guy isn’t allowed to look down while she sits down in the lower locker and blows him
- After workout shower sex, get clean while being dirty
- Holding plank position while being eaten out, makes things a bit harder
Lots of lovely scenarios. Can you think of any? Comment below!
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