For SFW artists, having a website is almost mandatory. It’s crucial to finding work, growing their audience, and starting income streams. Does the same apply to NSFW artists?
Having made several websites for both SFW and NSFW purposes, here’s the key question I refer to:
“What is the unique thing your website accomplishes, that social media or other websites can’t?”
Answering the Question
For some NSFW artists, their website acts as a portfolio. This gives you the opportunity to control branding and presentation, appearing professional and unique.

NSFW artists are no stranger to pesky social media terms-of-service. Having your own website is a good back-up, or even replacement! I talk about this in minimizing risks as an NSFW artist.
For others, it acts as a store, allowing you to structure content to best convert visitors into customers.

You might even have a unique use-case, such as content distributor/creator. Sites like and are good examples. They have a specific experience that requires a website.

Here’s a breakdown of my websites, and why I made them:
- I can’t post articles on Twitter, so having my own website gives me the freedom to write and grow a bigger audience as people find me through google searches.
- I can post art and stories on social media, but having a one-stop shop helps me promote events, create different media forms, and give the visitor an easier time finding content.
- My professional website. Art directors and editorial clients consider a portfolio website a must-have. It’s a sign that you’re professional and worth hiring.
Website Alternatives
So, what’s your goal with starting your website?
Before starting, I had started hoping to build a community for NSFW Artists. That website didn’t go anywhere due to weak marketing and planning!
Setting up website domain and hosting can easily reach $30+, so you might want to consider cheaper options. For example, Carrd is a free microsite service.

Of course, there are many successful artists who only use free services. Mikeymegamega works through Patreon, YouTube, and Twitch, and has been sponsored by companies like Wacom and Huion.

Still interested?
I won’t go into how to make a website. However, here are some good resources to get you started. I use WordPress along with HostGator. They’re NSFW-friendly, and cheap, especially if you use my referral code to get 60% off your first billing cycle.
- The difference between domain name and domain hosting
- Setting up a WordPress Website
- WordPress vs Squarespace (though note Squarespace isn’t NSFW friendly)
- SFW artist websites made with WordPress
I know it’s a lot, so if you have questions about starting your own website, or want to talk about your website idea, feel free to email me at or comment below!